Monday, May 07, 2012

They burned my heart

On 2nd May 2012, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a article - 'Syria: War Crimes in Idlib during peacce negotiations' containing a link to the 38-page report "'They burned my heart': War Crimes in Northern Idlib during peace plan negotiations," which documents dozens of extrajudicial executions, killings of civilians, and destruction of civilian property that qualify as war crimes, as well as arbitrary detention and torture. The report is based on a field investigation conducted by Human Rights Watch in the towns of Taftanaz, Saraqeb, Sarmeen, Kelly, and Hazano in Idlib governorate in late April.

HRW also released the following video that coincides with the report.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Barbara Walters Interviews Bashar Al Assad

I had this post saved in my drafts for months, which I wanted to share and add further information to it, like a transcript and other videos related to it. I may as well post now, since there may be a few people who haven't seen this video. When I have the time, I may add other bits to this post.

The following video is Bashar's full length interview with Barbara Walters that took place on the 7th December 2011 (the interview starts at 1:10 in the video). I'm adding it mainly for future reference. 

A beautiful sit-in

The following video shows a beautiful sit-in with the revolutionaries of Homs with Lt. Abdul Razzaq Talas present, which was dated yesterday (05/05/2012). 

I hope and wish that all these people stay safe and do not get harmed by Assad's forces. The young man's voice is beautiful and moved me beyond words. The unity, courage and bravery shown by many people all across Syria from different backgrounds is incredible.