Monday, December 05, 2011

Razan Ghazzawi

I start my first post of the month on Razan Ghazzawi, a 30 year old woman, who is well known for speaking out on Palestine, LGBT issues and of course on Syria via her blog and twitter account. She was born in the United States, though has never lived there but in Jeddah and in Syria.  

Razan Ghazzawi was recently detained by security forces in Syria near the Jordanian border (on the 4th December 2011). Close friends/family say that she was on her way to a workshop in Jordan organised by her employer, the Syrian Centre for Media and Freedom of Expression, when she was arrested. One friend told Reuters, “She was arrested as she presented her passport to immigration at the Syrian border post of Nassib to cross to Jordan.” Her sister, Nadine Ghazzawi, recently joined Twitter, where she posts updates on Razan's arrest and subsequent detainment.

Raising awareness of Razan's case across the world, will highlight the abuses that Syrians face in Syria for writing the truth, highlighting abuses and asking for a better future. Razan Ghazzawi is amongst thousands detained across the whole of Syria. Please spend a moment dedicating a tweet or Facebook message or even mention to your friends. 

I shall leave you with a quote from Razan Ghazzawi herself:
"The Syrian regime does not fear those imprisoned but those who do not forget them."

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