Saturday, March 31, 2012

The essence of the revolution

A lot of people I come across lately seem to be forgetting one important thing about the Syrian revolution, so here it is. The Syrian revolution isn't about the so called opposition, nor is it about the FSA or about other countries like USA/Western countries/Israel. It's about us Syrians. It's about Syrians who are out protesting on the streets. Its about the Syrians who are held in detention for varying lengths of times. Its about the Syrians who've died, who sacrificed their lives to see change in Syria, for greater freedoms. Its about the Syrian refugees, who have been forced out of their homes for their safety. Its about the Syrians who've experienced sexual assault. Its about the Syrian orphans who've lost their parents and families. Its about the activists on the ground who are organising the protests and documenting the atrocities. Its about the Syrians who are blogging their hopes and dreams hoping that one day they'll come true. It is ordinary Syrians making this change happen for themselves.

This is the life behind the revolution. A revolution based on dignity, the right to free speech and freedom at its fullest. A revolution against corruption and for a multi party state representing the range of people Syria homes. This is simply what the revolution is about. Of course there are numerous factors involved complicating the situation, but this is the essence of the revolution. By numerous factors, I mean every nation has their own interests for what happens in Syria, which affect how they treat the situation regardless if it's the right course of action.

The SNC can hold as many meetings as it wants, Western countries can release as many statements and condemnations as they want, Russia/Iran/China can support Assad as much as they want, everybody can plan what they like but the revolution has continued this long and will continue until the end when the Ba'ath party falls and every one of those responsible is justly punished because we Syrians want to see this revolution until the end.

Bashar's time will end along with Ba'ath party rule. It won't be easy post Assad; it's a long journey ahead but its a start that will lead to something amazing for the country. Because Syria doesn't deserve any less.

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