Thursday, August 11, 2011

You are the revolution

Imagine the situation that's been occurring in Hama. It's 40°C. Under siege for days without water, electricity or access to contact anyone.

The food you have is whatever is stored in your home, and without electricity cooking anything is not possible. Anyone venturing outside their homes is likely to be shot by a sniper, yet there are many who are trying to get food in order to feed their families, so they don't starve to death.

Access to hospitals is also out of bounds as is the pharmacy, so if you are ill, or injured, you have to self-medicate at home or suffer in pain. With electricity being cut, hospitals can't function fully, and there are reports of many babies dying in their incubators due to this.

Shelling of the city has been going on day & night. Random shelling of homes that are occupied, shops & businesses. There is no peace of mind, sleep is hard to come by. Army forces can knock on your door at any moment & arrest all the males, shabiha thugs will rape the women while the security forces steal all things valuable and leave in a trail of destruction.

It's Friday, yet no mosque was allowed to perform Friday prayers. The mosques were all closed & empty. Any mosque that called for prayers had it's minaret shelled & bombed.

This is only the watered down version or lite version of what is going on. The same happened in Dar'a, Baniyas, Homs, Latakia & it's now taking place in Deir ezZor & Hama. 

Did you know all this? Does your neighbours, work colleagues, fellow students, friends & family know all this? Does your MP know all of this? With human rights abuses taking place left, right & centre! With a massacre going on, the world media still insist on not highlighting the events in Syria fully. Newspapers put us on the latter pages with little info provided. TV & satellite news channels dedicate only a few minutes to Syria without fully disclosing the real events taking place. There hasn't been much discussion on the radio channels regarding Syria. If not for the Internet activists, then news on Syria would have been scarcely available.

Help spread the word. Don't be silent, don't be passive. Please please be active, read, like, comment, share, protest, write letters, phone radio & TV stations, lobby, sign petitions etc.... YOU ARE THE REVOLUTION!!!

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