Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Possibility of civil war?

Someone I know made a comment on the possibility of civil war in Syria, which I thought I'd share since it's quite interesting.
Many people are saying that whatever comes after Assad is going to be worse and that fundamentalists will take over the country and oppress minorities. For those unaware here are some interesting facts: 
* Syria has never had a civil war, before being ruled by this regime, which means that the makeup of the society is a harmonious / non-violent one.
* Syria has existed with its diverse population for thousands of years and has only come to witness sectarianism under the hands of the current regime.
* If its Sunni Muslim majority was sectarian/fundamentalist, it would not have been ruled by a minority for over 40 years.
Yes the possible outcomes of this uprising are many and yes nobody can really predict what is going to happen. But when things become so bad… rolling the dice may not be as bad an idea as some may think.

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