Monday, April 09, 2012

Shelling of Juret al-Shayah

The neighbourhood of Juret al-Shayah in Homs has been under shelling for a week now. The following videos shows the shelling, gunfire and the resulting destruction and damage that ensued over the past week (the most recent videos first). It's particularly obvious how heavy the shelling has gotten.

The conditions seen in the following videos are still on-going; the regime hasn't ended its operations in the neighbourhood. It's not just this neighbourhood of Homs which has seen the regime's brutality, but other neighbourhoods too, such as Bab Amru, Khalidiyeh, Qusoor, Qarabees and it's still on-going in some of those areas. Yesterday I highlighted the massacre in Deir Ba'alba, which is another district of Homs. All of this is showing how the regime is undergoing a full scale war against its own people to silence them in order to crush the Syrian uprising. 

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