Sunday, December 16, 2012

A protest video from Daraa

I wanted to share the following video taken from a protest from Daraa on 14th December 2012.

I love watching these protest videos. Syrians remain united and defiant against the regime as well as showing solidarity with their fellow countrymen. I love seeing the humour come out of protests as well as seeing the acts of bravery and courage. Despite months of brutality at the hands of the regime, these awesome people can show such amazing strength, courage, unity, humour and are admirable in so many ways. They survive and continue to resist the regime with such determination, it's beyond amazing. Every time I watch the protests with the numbers who attend are in the tens, hundreds or thousands, I watch with awe and fascination and hope that the future that we build will make them proud. 

Whenever I feel pessimistic about the future, I return to watching these videos, because each time they remind me that we must stay strong, hopeful and united...we must keep working together, must keep providing support until the regime is over...if amongst all the shelling, the arrests, the deaths, the sadness, they can show such amazing character and remain defiant and hopeful, then we all can. 

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