Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Change for the better

Recently, I've come across a lot of negative comments in regards to the Syrian uprising in relation to the current events and about the opposition so the commenter(s) consequently support the Syrian regime.

The Syrian regime are thugs using barbaric treatments and methods to suppress the country into submission. The Syrian opposition is far from perfect, but in a society where opposition has been outlawed for decades forcing all  'underground' and into exile, how can they expect a great opposition? I wish we had a more organised opposition; we have the SNC and the NNC, we have the Syrian Free can we have a right answer on how to plan our path to freedom? There will always be different opinions, which should be allowed and there will always be different options but to side with a regime because they don't like a particular opposition is wrong. It's not the case of choosing between one or the other but instead we should be saying no to human rights abuse and that's it!

Another thing lately, is that we're hearing of sectarian violence, that there are certain people who are promoting sectarian violence (killings/rape etc.) against Alawies. I'm not sure how true these reports are, whether these stories are generated by the government to gain support but nonetheless these acts are wrong and shouldn't undermine the efforts of Syrian activists trying to promote freedom and peace. These acts are of course not accepted by anyone at all and are wrong, and we should all condone all acts completely. Such people should be punished, without question. But again why should we accept a brutal regime because of a few (if they exist) that cause trouble? It's not like the regime has caught these people and punished them to actually gain any support.

As a society and a community, we should seek to remove the regime. That's a starting point for our future Syria. They're not the only problems in our society but they do symbolise corruption, a lack of respect towards its people and are a disease to our country. With a true leadership which should hopefully evolve over the next few years, we should strive to improve our community and ultimately our society. We can not improve a country if we can not improve ourselves (but that doesn't mean we accept Bashar and his thugs for the time being; we deserve better). It will be hard but its necessary whilst we improve our country but with a good leadership that will happen and we will obtain leaders over the next years that we will be proud of. We will not get perfect leaders straight away but the aim of this uprising is to rid the country of a brutal dictatorship and allow ourselves a new beginning where we can build up our country from scratch. To build a new constitution and new laws and generate great leaders.

No one is asking to accept the SNC as the next government of Syria for the next 40 years. No-one should stay that long at all. But we should be allowed an opportunity to try to improve the country and to move forwards. Without opportunities how do we improve? We should all stay united and contribute our efforts in order to bring about change for the better.

We are not born knowing everything...we learn to stand before we walk and we learn to walk before we run. Our first step is to remove the Ba'ath party and the steps after that include altering constitutions and laws as well as working on our 'opposition' further. We will get there in baby steps but don't side with a regime because you want it all happen at once; it won't. Bashar al Assad will not give the country its reforms; he speaks of empty promises. Parliament isn't to be inherited within the family and until that is fixed, how can we eliminate corruption from the country?

Doesn't it seem that these people who complain are only people of talk? They never seem to actively engage or help with the uprising in a positive manner, which is a shame.

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