Friday, November 04, 2011

Yaman Al Qadri

On 3rd November 2011, 10 men from the Syrian security forces brutally assaulted an 18-year old girl in front of her classmates at the University of Damascus where she studies dermatology. Her name is Yaman Al Qadri. After being brutally assaulted, she was forcibly taken along with a classmate to an unknown location. Her classmate was released an hour after the arrest but Yaman is still being held incommunicado.

Yaman faces grave danger and is at risk of torture, as the regime has systematically attacked health workers and professionals who are speaking up against repression and helping the injured.

A Facebook page has been set up, providing regular updates and information. Syrians unanimously demand her immediate and unconditional release as well as ask all concerned people to take immediate and urgent action in support of Yaman. You can send a letter to your local Syrian Embassy; a sample letter has been written (see below):

I am writing to urgently demand the IMMEDIATE and UNCONDITIONAL release of 18-year-old medical school student Yaman Al Qadri from arbitrary detention in Syria’s security system.

Yaman al Qadri was brutally beaten by regime security forces at Damascus University and abducted, in violation of all relevant national and international laws, specifically those pertaining to children. She is arbitrarily detained. Arbitrary detention is illegal according to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 7. Syria signed this Covenant on 21 April, 1969.

In addition, torture is illegal in Syria, both under international law as well as according to Article 28 (3) of the Syrian Constitution. The Penal Code of Syria stipulates punishment for anyone inflicting torture on a person. Syria’s security system is thus fully responsible for the safety, health and physical and psychological well-being of Yaman al Qadri. I am particularly concerned that she receive the necessary care for any and all injuries she sustained during the brutal attack on her by security forces.

I hold the Syrian government exclusively responsible for the safe return of Yaman al Qadri, and for all prisoners of conscience and political prisoners currently held in Syria’s detention and prison system. All such detainees should be released immediately and without condition.

[Your Name]

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